
coni-figc accreditation system

Welcome to the dedicated page for CONI and FIGC cardholders. Find out useful information to get your accreditation to Stadio Olimpico.


Register on the portal and upload your card


Wait for your profile approval


Access and book your accreditation


Receive your ticket via email

portal access


In accordance with Stadio Olimpico current rules, CONI and FIGC cards don’t allow entry to Stadio Olimpico unless accreditation has been previously requested.

This service is compulsory and it provides for the possibility of free access to the stadium during the above-mentioned home matches in accordance with MD no. 8 of 08/02/2007.

AS Roma has set up an online accreditation system, reserved for cardholders and it provides a free accreditation to Stadio Olimpico for League and Coppa Italia home matches.

The accreditation is strictly personal and it cannot be transferred to third parties.