That dream became a reality for 18-year-old Felix Afena-Gyan on Sunday night, as the Ghanaian capped off a year that saw him join the Giallorossi in January with both goals in a 2-0 win over Genoa.
Here's what the forward had to say afterwards...
Can you describe how it feels right now?
“It is very very difficult to describe my feelings. Tonight I have great feelings. I am very, very excited. I have to say a big thanks to God Almighty for what he has done for me tonight. I thank God for that."
Two goals tonight - the second of them even better than the first!
“I was having the feeling that if I got even one minute tonight, I would score for my club. And God is so good that I made it tonight. So I say thank you to everyone for what they did for me."
Is there anyone in particular you dedicate this goal?
“I dedicate the goals to the club, to the supporters, to everyone, to my family and to my mum. Mum has been there since ... thank you so much for how far you have brought me. I really appreciate it."
We saw that you ran towards Jose Mourinho after the first goal...
“He is a great person. He is teaching me a lot and I am learning a lot from him. He is someone who has achieved a lot during his career and he is a great person. I am glad to be working with him. He encourages me day-in and day-out to do everything that will help me improve in future. So I am happy to be working with Jose Mourinho. I thank him very, very much. I thank him a lot. He's a great person."
Le parole di Felix ai media del Club
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