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    Azmoun: "This is the right reward for our fans"

    Sardar Azmoun post-match thoughts after Roma's dramatic late victory over Lecce.

    Here is what the Iranian forward had to say...

    Winning a game like that and celebrating with your teammates in front of the Curva Sud. Could you describe your emotions to us?

    "We knew it would be a difficult game. We stayed focused and showed character. This is the right reward for our fans."

    What does it mean to have scored your first Serie A goal?

    "An incredible feeling. I have waited a long time for this moment. I worked hard to get here. I love this city and this city. It's an incredible feeling".

    To whom do you dedicate your first goal?

    "To my family. My parents and my wife.

    It's the ninth goal Roma have scored in the final few minutes. Is it true that this squad never dies?

    "Of course, it’s a team with character. Playing in front of a magnificent crowd and showing this spirit is the best way to repay them."