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Ticket Information: Cremonese and Monza tickets on sale from Tuesday

Partirà alle 12 di martedì 12 luglio la vendita dei biglietti per le prime due partite casalinghe della Roma, contro Cremonese e Monza.

Tickets for the club's opening two Serie A home games of the 2022-23 season will go on sale from Tuesday.

Some season ticket holders can get additional seats for the games at the Stadio Olimpico from 12:00 CEST, with the general sale for all other supporters beginning a day later.

The games take place on Monday 22 August and Tuesday 30 August respectively.

For this season, there will be two phases of the sales process.


From 12:00 CEST on Tuesday, holders of the 'Plus' season ticket for the 2022-23 Serie A season can take advantage of their included right to buy an extra ticket.

To take advantage of the pre-sale, which can be done only online, fans just need to insert the PNR code associated with their ticket, along with their date of birth.

Each ticket holder can purchase a maximum of four additional tickets.


The general sale for both opening home matches will start at 12:00 CEST on Wednesday 13 July.

All fans can buy a maximum of four tickets as part of each individual transaction.

Throughout the general sale period, 'Plus' season ticket holders can take advantage of a special price for tickets - even in sectors of the stadium other than the one their seat is in.

To do so, fans should click here.