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    Amami e Basta: New initiative to help victims of domestic violence

    On Valentine's Day, the club has decided to further extend its 'Amami e basta' campaign, doing more to assist women who have been the victims of domestic violence around the city of Rome.

    Thanks to an ongoing dialogue with Regione Lazio and the health institutions that operate around the city, AS Roma was made aware of the need for more support services for women who have suffered domestic abuse.

    To help address that, the club have donated due gynaelogical beds and two privacy dividers to each and every local health authority that operates in Rome ((ASL Roma 1, ASL Roma 2, ASL Roma 3).

    "This is an amazing initiative, on a special day, and that is why I want to thank AS Roma for their sustained support for a partnership that has been established for some time now," said Alessio D'Amato, Health Assessor for Regione Lazio.

    "Our aim is to work together in order to establish strategies that will actively help prevent the problem of violence against women."

    "This donation was borne out of an understanding that more was needed to help those women who seek help from the health institutions around our city," said Francesco Pastorella, the Director of Roma Department.

    "I would like to thank Lazio Regione and the various health institutions that inspired this donation, and that have enabled us to put in place real measures to help the victims of this problem."

    Valeria Pirone, AS Roma Women player, added: "I am proud to have been able to participate in this latest club initiative to support women who have suffered abuse.

    "The focus the club has put into this issue has been backed up by their persistence in addressing it, and in that regard both myself and my teammates are always delighted to be able to help do our part.'

    'Amami e Basta' ('Just Love Me') was launched in 2020 in conjunction with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

    Since then the club has put a number of initiatives in place in order to address the problem of violence against women, including support for shelter facilities and the creation of employment support courses.

    The latest donation comes in conjunction with new measures that will ensure that any women who arrives at Accident & Emergency reporting an incident of domestic abuse will have access to a separate examination area.

    La campagna è stata inizialmente sostenuta dai ricavi ottenuti con la vendita di un calendario realizzato dalle compagne dei giocatori giallorossi. Lo scorso 25 novembre il programma ha conosciuto una nuova tappa con #SaveTheTactic: in occasione di Roma-Zorya di Conference League e Tavagnacco-Roma di Coppa Italia femminile i calciatori e le calciatici della Roma sono scesi in campo con una patch sulla maglia recante l’1-5-2-2, il numero anti violenza e stalking promosso dalla Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunità.

    Le casacche sono attualmente all’asta sulla piattaforma Charity Stars e con una parte del ricavato delle prime vendite è stato possibile effettuare l’acquisto del materiale sanitario destinato alle ASL di Roma.

    A partire da ora e grazie a queste donazioni, alle donne che hanno subito abusi e che si rivolgeranno ai pronto soccorso e ai consultori della Capitale sarà riservata un’area separata per la ginecologia.