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Season Tickets 2022-23: All the details to know!

The club is pleased to unveil the structure and pricing for season tickets for the upcoming 2022-23 season.

Wednesday 18 May is the date to remember for all fans – whether renewing an existing ticket or purchasing one for the first time, fans will be able to get theirs starting at 18:00 CEST on that day.

After a record-setting season that has seen over 1 million fans attend games at the Stadio Olimpico and more than 10 full sell-outs, despite various capacity limits imposed and other factors, the club is now proud to introduce a number of new features to season tickets – rewarding that unwavering support more than ever before.

The enormous advantage to being a season ticket holder is underlined by the economic benefits – with prices starting from just €14 per home game – but it does not stop there.

Season ticket holders can also:

  • Buy additional tickets for friends and family at special prices
  • Gain priority when purchasing tickets for European and Coppa Italia matches
  • Take advantage of additional benefits at the AS Roma Store

Existing season ticket holders and first-time buyers can secure their seats starting from 18:00 CEST on Wednesday 18 May.

The 'advance sales window' for season tickets will end at 10:00 CEST on Monday 20 June, whereupon the general sale (with no further restrictions) will begin.

Keep reading for more details about the 2022-23 season ticket – with two particularly interesting new additions…

Welcome to Season Ticket Plus!

Starting from the 2022-23 season, the club is giving fans the opportunity to choose from two types of season ticket: Classic and Plus.

As part of both season tickets, fans who cannot attend a match – for whatever reason – will be free to reissue their tickets to another fan. This advantage comes with just two stipulations – it can only be done up to three times during the season, and it cannot be done for games defined as ‘big matches’ by the ticket office.

If you cannot attend a match, for whatever reason, then the Plus season ticket will offer you the opportunity to recover some of your investment.

Through the ‘Il Mio Posto’ app, Plus season ticket holders will be able to let other fans purchase the seats that they will not be able to use themselves. When those tickets are purchased by another fan, the season ticket holder will receive credit to his account – which they will be able to use against future ticket purchases.

The Plus programme comes with other great advantages: pre-sales for European and Coppa Italia matches, along with the possibility to buy additional tickets for friends and family for big games.

Buy Your Season Ticket in Installments with Klarna

When it comes to payment, there is also a big addition for the coming campaign. For fans who prefer not to pay the entire cost up front, there is now a solution: fans can pay in three installments through Klarna – without additional interest!

The three installments will be taken from your payment card at 30 day intervals.

You can also pay for up to a maximum of four season tickets via PC or smartphone, using a credit card, PayPal, and/or online bank transfer.

The Key Dates to Know

Season tickets for the 2022-23 campaign – for both new and existing holders – will begin on May 18 at 18:00 CEST. There are two phases:

PHASE 1: Wednesday 18 May, 18:00 CEST – Thursday 16 June at 23:59 CEST.

  • Throughout this phase of the process 2021-22 season ticket holders will be guaranteed the ability to take the same seat they had for that season.
  • Until 18:00 on May 31, the available seats in Curva Sud will be exclusively available to 21-22 season ticket holders.
  • Alongside the ‘presale’ for existing season ticket holders, new season ticket holders will immediately be able to purchase any of the available seats in the stadium.
  • From 10:00 on June 1, any remaining seats in Curva Sud will also be available to new season ticket purchasers.

Seat Change: From 10:00 on Friday 17 June until 09:59 Monday 20 June.

  • During this window, fans who have already bought a season ticket for the 2022-23 season will have the opportunity to change their seat (within the same section of the stadium) to another available, via the app.

FASE 2: General sale begins from 10:00 on Monday 20 June.

Discover All The Deals!

A season ticket purchase is, in every sector and stand of the stadium, a better financial option than purchasing single tickets for each individual match. Beyond that, there are also specific prices available in certain sectors for Under-16s (Born on 01/01/2007 or later) and Over 65 (Born before 31/12/1957).

Another special promo price is available to Under-25s (Born from 01/01/1998) in Distinti Sud and Tribuna Tevere Nord: a full season at the Stadio Olimpico from just €269 (€14 per game).

Disabled fans (with a carer): For those supporters using a wheelchair, or who require the presence of a career, a ticket can be purchased for €355. These season tickets are available exclusively through the Contact Centre (+39 (0) 689386000, Mon-Fri (9:30-18:30)) or the following sales points: Stadio Olimpico, AS Roma Store di Piazza Colonna and AS Roma Store Galleria commerciale Porta di Roma.

Alternatives to buying online

If, for whatever reason, you do not want to complete the process online then you can renew or purchase a season ticket through the following methods:

Calling the Contact Center (for Corporate and disabled season tickets only )
- Tel. +39 (0) 689386000 (Mon-Fri, 9:00-18:30)

Stadio Olimpico Sales Point
Open from 19 May – 20 June (Mon-Fri, 10:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 – 19:00). Viale dei Gladiatori, 2. The entrance is via Largo Lauro de Bosis.

AS Roma Store Piazza Colonna
Open from 19 May – 20 June (Mon-Sun, 10:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 – 19:00).

AS Roma Store Galleria commerciale Porta di Roma
Via Alberto Lionello, 201. Open from 19 May – 20 June (Mon-Sun, 10:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 – 19:00).

Wear Giallorosso!

By visiting one of the official club stores ( AS Roma Store - Home Page) and presenting your season ticket via the app, you will immediately receive a 10% discount on everything you purchase!

The discount cannot be combined with others, but it can be transferred. It can be used on all items that are not already subject to a discount or promotion, and will be valid until 30/06/2023.