Here are the players called up for the training camp (surname listed first):
Afena-Gyan Felix Ohene
Bianchino Nicolò
Cassano Claudio
Del Bello Jacopo
Di Bartolo Marzio
Dicorato Francesco
Evangelisti Nicolò
Faticanti Giacomo
Logrieco Alessandro
Louakima Corentin Yanis
Mastrantonio Davide
Mengucci Giulio
Missori Filippo
Morichelli Raul
Ndiaye Maissa Codou
Ngingi Patrik
Oliveras Jan Codina
Rocchetti Yuri
Satriano Antonio
Tahirovic Benjamin
Verrengia Bruno
Voelkerling Joel Persson
Zajsek Domen
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