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AS Roma supports the World Food Programme

AS Roma is delighted to announce its support for the World Food Programme, the international humanitarian agency dedicated to the fight against food waste.

The WFP, headquartered in Rome, was recently awarded the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts in fighting the twin problems of food waste and food scarcity around the world.

Over the next two years the club and its players will support WFP Italy with a number of initiatives, with the objective of teaching school students of all ages the importance of addressing food waste and ways to make use of any excess food.

Thanks to the collaboration of the Banco Alimentare (Italian Food Bank), the club will also provide operational assistance with the collection and distribution of food to those in the community who are most in need.

Ahead of the winter break in Serie A, the club’s players will wear a patch on their shirts commemorating the new rapport with the WFP.

“All of us at AS Roma are honoured to be partnering with the Nobel Prize-winning World Food Programme to address food waste and fight hunger worldwide,” said AS Roma chairman Dan Friedkin.

“For a Rome-based organisation to be awarded this prestigious award is something that should give our city much pride.

“In the coming year we look forward to our joint initiatives and many successful endeavours addressing this global issue.”

The WFP offers important support to more than 100 million people in over 90 countries around the globe: constantly ready to offer emergency assistance wherever famine and hunger may strike around the world, it also promotes sustainable eating and food production habits.