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    ChristmAS Roma: Lighting up the city!

    It will be a yellow and red Christmas in four public squares in Rome!

    It will be a yellow and red Christmas in four public squares in Rome this year!

    ‘ChristmAS Roma – Illuminiamo la città’ (‘We will light up the city’) will ensure the club is symbolically and visually with its fans during the festive period, by raising and decorating four Christmas trees in neighborhoods around the Italian capital.

    The primary location for the initiative will be in Testaccio, spiritual home of the club, at Piazza Santa Maria Liberatrice. Three more trees will be erected in Municipi VIII, X and XIII of the city.

    From December 9 until January 7, four unusual Christmas trees will stand proudly at those four locations – the trees will be in fact magnolias, decorated and lit up in the club’s yellow and red colours.

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    To make sure the whole project is completely sustainable and eco-friendly, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) were consulted - serving as advisors to the club.

    As a result, magnolias were chosen as the trees most likely to adapt to the Rome climate and, at the conclusion of the city centre displays, all four will be replanted at the club’s training centre at Trigoria in order to continue their life cycle.

    Club mascot Romolo and support club staff will be present over the course of the festive period at each of the four locations, passing out presents and surprises to passing kids and entertaining other interested passers-by.

    In addition, a new competition will be launched – ChristmAS Roma: Scratch & Win – that will give fans the chance to instantly win a number of prizes generously made available by club partners: Qatar Airways, Tiscali, La Molisana, Wetaxi, Ecooltra, Sparco and Why Sport.

    So some lucky fans may find an additional present under their Christmas tree this winter!

    Here are more details about the piazzas where the trees will be present, along with when Romolo and his helpers will be on hand:

    • Piazza Santa Maria Liberatrice / Piazza Caduti della Montagnola / Piazza S. Leonardo da Porto Maurizio:
      12-13-19-20 December, 2-3 January (10:00-14:00)
      9 and 23 December (14:30-16:30)

    • Piazza Ormea:
      14-19-21-28 December, 2, 4 January (10:00-14:00)
      9, 23 December (14:30-18:30).