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Roma Cares delivers more supplies to hospitals, churches and shelter homes for women and children

AS Roma went back out on the road on Tuesday to deliver more boxes of food and medical supplies to hospitals, churches and family shelters for women and children

AS Roma went back out on the road on Tuesday to deliver more boxes of food and medical supplies to hospitals, churches and family care homes.

On Friday, Roma delivered over 150 Roma Cares packs of food and medical supplies to the club’s oldest and most vulnerable season ticket holders, who have all been advised not to leave home during the Coronavirus outbreak unless it’s an emergency.

Today, the club sent two vans back out into the community to deliver more supplies to those most in need during this crisis.

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One hundred and fifty protective masks, 300 pairs of disposable gloves and 170 (80ml) bottles of hand sanitiser were delivered to San Giovanni Maria Vienney Church while 150 masks, 300 pairs of gloves, 200 bottle of olive oil and 12kg of Molisana pasta was delivered to Santa Maria Madre del Redentore Church.

Meanwhile, 200 masks, 300 pairs of gloves and bags of pasta, sugar and salt were dropped off at San Paolo della Croce Church.

A delivery of 200 protective masks, 600 disposable gloves and AS Roma kids’ shirts were delivered to two shelters for vulnerable women and children – CasAmica Roma and Lodovico Pavoni.

Finally, 2,000 protective masks, 6,000 disposable gloves and 320 bottles of hand sanitiser were delivered to San Raffaele Hospital and Sant'Eugenio Hospital.

After the delivery, San Raffaele Hospital tweeted: “The greatest football being played right now is happening away from the stadiums.

"In conjunction with its charity arm, Roma Cares, AS Roma has delivered to the San Raffaele medical group – accepted by the group’s President Carlo Trivelli, and Scientific Director Massimo Fini – masks, sanitizing gel and gloves to be distributed among San Raffaele’s medical staff working on the frontline in the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic.

"A gesture of immeasurable value both in ethics and for morale, one that confirms that we will win this World Cup – by working together. And when we do, we will hug each other again and cry together once more.”

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