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Fienga thanks Roma fans for incredible response to Covid-19 campaign

AS Roma chief executive Guido Fienga has thanked Roma fans and members of the general public for their ‘incredible’ response to the club’s Covid-19 fundraising campaign

With over 25,000 people infected and more than 1,800 fatalities to date, only China has suffered the effects of the coronavirus more heavily than Italy.

With a national state of emergency declared and the entire country locked down, Roma launched a GoFundMe campaign on Thursday to raise money to purchase critical medical equipment and supplies for Lazzaro Spallanzani Hospital in Rome.

After launching with a €50,000 donation from both president Jim Pallotta and the club’s foundation, Roma Cares, fans have since donated over €75,000 to the campaign, with tens of thousands also donated anonymously.

In the last hour, the campaign passed €250,000, meaning it is now more than half-way to achieving the original target of half a million Euros.

“I have to say ‘thank you’ to the fans because the response to the campaign has been incredible,” said Fienga, who earlier made a personal donation of €10,000 to support the initiative.

“The fans - from Rome, from across Italy, and from all around the world - have dug deep into their own pockets to help us raise money to buy urgently needed equipment for the hospital. Everyone at the club is working around the clock to support the campaign and our players and staff are ready to make a big statement to show their commitment.

“We know people in Italy are suffering and are scared right now but the doctors and nurses at Spallanzani, and in hospitals all over Italy, are doing an amazing job and it’s our responsibility to support them.”

Since launching the campaign, Roma have already ordered 25,000 FFP2 masks, 1,500 FFP3 masks, 1,400 surgeon masks, 120 500ml bottles of hand sanitizer and 4,000 80ml hand sanitizer bottles.

On Sunday, the club delivered 600 surgeon masks to Sant'Andrea hospital in Rome.

Fans can donate to the AS Roma Covid-19 GoFundMe campaign by clicking here.