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Roma's lockdown challenge: Submit your best Romolo art for publication

Whether you’re six, 16 or 60, we want you to demonstrate your artistic talents by drawing, painting or sketching Roma's mascot, Romolo in the style of your choice

Whether you’re six, 16 or 60, we want you to demonstrate your artistic talents by drawing, painting or sketching Roma's mascot, Romolo in the style of your choice.

We’re hosting an art challenge where fans around the world can submit their best artistic interpretation of Romolo and we’ll publish the best entris on the website with your name and city.To make things fair, we’ve split the contest into three age categories: under-10, under-16 and over 17s.

Please email your submission along with your name, location and age to content@asroma.it before March 30 to have the chance for your art to be featured.

Good luck!