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Roma World No.24: Houston, Texas

Roma World No.24: Houston, Texas

Meet Brenno, born and raised in the Italian capital but now turning Houston red and yellow through his passion for Roma

Name: Brenno Giannini
Age: 54
City: Houston, Texas
Country: USA

Why did you choose Roma?

“I grew up in Rome and my father was a Roma fan so it was the only team I could support.”

What is your first memory of Roma?

“My first day at the Olimpico. I was five years old, the stadium was huge and very loud for me as a young boy. The game was Roma against Cagliari – a year when Cagliari won the Scudetto. After 10 minutes, we were losing 2-0 but still for me it was a magic moment.”


Who was your first Roma hero and why?

“Pierino Prati was my first hero. He was the ‘bomber’ for that period. I used to go in the Curva Sud when I was 14 or 15 and, to me, it was super cool!”

Do Roma have a passionate fan base in the city you live?

“Yes. I personally created the Houston Roma fan club. All of the fans living here try and watch the game together.”

What makes Roma so special to you?

“The passion that build in you from the first moment. I have also met some American friends that have never been in Rome but somehow chee for Roma with the same passion. We are great fans all over the world.”


What does Totti mean to you?

“Francesco Totti is the best player that Roma have had so far. I’m very happy that he can play for us for another year. I had the chance to talk to him with the very first Google chat Roma did and it confirmed to me that he was a great person as well.”

Who is your favourite current player and why?

“Momo Salah. Fast, smart and a goalscorer. He’s not only a great player but I also like his attitude on the pitch. He never complains even when he’s treated roughly.”

What makes you most proud to be a Roma supporter?

“That we are a very honest and strong club. Without magic tricks we are climbing the chart of the international soccer. When we will have Stadio della Roma, we will be a superpower of soccer.”

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