Serie A, Monday, FEB 24, 20:45 CET
Stadio Olimpico
  • IT
  • Stadio Olimpico - Rules

    The entrance and permanence, for any reason, inside the stadium is governed by the “Rules and Regulations” found in this document. The purchase of a ticket by any individual entails the acceptance of the below mentioned regulations.

    Failure to comply with the regulations will result in the immediate termination of the contract and consequent removal from the stadium of the individual along with the application of a fine ranging from 100 to 500 euro.

    Please keep in mind:

    • The ticket is personal and will only be issued following the registration of the personal information of the individual. The ticket may be passed on to third party, following written communication to the Club in accordance with the indicated procedures. Any illegal tickets will be confiscated by Club security or Law Enforcement.
    • In order to access the stadium, all individuals with tickets will need to present a valid ID.
    • The ticket must be kept until the end of the match.
    • The spectator has the right and duty to occupy the assigned seat and not occupy seats other than the one assigned.
    • The spectator may be asked by Club security or Law Enforcement to undergo a metal detector scan aimed at preventing the entrance of illegal items in the stadium.
    • For reasons related to Public Order, the Club or Law Enforcement may limit or prohibit entrance and permanence in the stadium to individuals possessing a valid ticket.
    • The Club is not responsible for any lost or stolen items or damage done to items or persons inside the stadium, unless these are directly attributed to negligence on behalf of the Club.
    • The Club does not guarantee that the event will take place on the date and time originally communicated.
    • In case of postponement or cancellation of the event, the reimbursement will take place in accordance with the procedures found in the purchase contract. The Club is not responsible for anything other than the reimbursement of the ticket and may not be indicted for any reason. The reimbursement of the ticket will take place only following the presentation and return of the original ticket.
    • Access to the stadium is allowed until the end of the first half. Entry will not be permitted beyond this point.

    It is prohibited to:

    • Express any form of discrimination, racism or other intolerance with chants or written exhibitions.
    • Block any passages, exits, entrances or any other passage ways without a justified reason.
    • Climb on the structures of the stadium.
    • Damage or tamper with the structures of the stadium.
    • Introduce poison, harmful substances, inflammable material and drugs to the stadium.
    • Introduce or sell any alcoholic beverages with strength above 5%, without previous authorization for specific areas by the competent authority.
    • Introduce stones, knives, scissors, lasers and any objects that could cause damage or be launched.
    • Expose material that obstructs the visibility of other spectators or emergency signage present in the stadium.
    • Organize choreographies which have not been previously communicated to the Club authorized by Law Enforcement.
    • Introduce helmets, umbrellas or any other dangerous objects.
    • Enter or park vehicles in any areas other than the designated parking areas.
    • Conduct commercial or promotional activities, collect donations, or show advertising which have not been previously communicated to the Club and authorized by Law Enforcement.
    • Behave in any way which may be considered dangerous or obstruct the regular ongoing of the match.
    • Bring animals with the exception of guide dogs for visually impaired individuals.

    The following also constitute violations:

    • The possession of weapons or firearms, the display of emblems or symbols of associations which disseminate discrimination or violence for racial, ethic, national or religious reasons.
    • The incitement of violence, the possession and or launch of dangerous items or pyrotechnics.
    • The climbing of barriers or entrance onto the field of play.

    Furthermore, the venue is controlled by a video-audio security system both inside and outside the stadium, whose registrations are dealt with in accordance with the disposition of the legislative decree of June 30th, 2003, n.196 from D.M. 06/06/2005.

    The use of electronic devices for any kind of recording and/or transmission and/or production and/or distribution of any audio, video or audio-visual material, or indeed any information or data regarding match developments, conduct or any other factor in any game for the purposes of betting, commercial activities that have not been authorized in advance or any other purposes that violate these Regulations, is strictly forbidden at the Stadium, except where authorization or permission is granted by the Lega Nazionale Professionisti Serie A and the Club. Mobile phones may only be used for personal, private use. In the event of a breach of these Regulations, visitors may be refused access to or removed from the Stadium.

    Additions to the Stadium Rules in relation to the necessary prevention and protection measures to combat the spread of the SARS N-Cov-2 virus and the related disease identified as Covid-19. 

    a.     Anyone intending to access the Stadium agrees to comply with the provisions of this regulation, the current legislation on Covid-19 and the provisions of the Regulatory Protocol prepared for the management of football matches with public presence in relation to Coronavirus-2 pandemic currently underway.

    b.     Access will be subject to the issuance of self-certification on one's health status related to Covid-19, on possible origin from countries at risk or on possible close contacts with suspected or confirmed cases of Covid-19.

    c.     For entry to the Stadium, the use of a face mask is mandatory. The mask must be kept for the entire duration of the stay inside the system and in the areas pertaining to it. Children under the age of six are not subject to the obligation, as well as subjects with disabilities not compatible with the continuous use of the mask or subjects who interact with the aforementioned.

    d.     At the entrance, body temperature will be measured by means of remote electronic instruments. With a value equal to or greater than 37.5 ° C, access to the plant will not be allowed. Subjects found in the above mentioned conditions will be invited to return to their home, contact their doctor, the ASL or the freephone number of the Lazio Region 1500.

    e.     It is forbidden to introduce flags, banners, or other choreographic material inside the stadium.

    f.      In the event that a subject exhibits symptoms related to Covid-19 during his stay inside the Stadium, he is required to immediately report it to the health personnel on duty; in these circumstances it may be necessary to arrange for isolation in a dedicated room pending the arrival of medical personnel authorized to treat such cases.

    g.     In all areas and premises of the plant, even in the phases of circulation within it, it is always mandatory to respect the indicated interpersonal safety distances, however in no case less than one meter, frontally and sideways.

    h.     On the stands it is mandatory to use only the seats identified as usable, arranged in such a way as to ensure the distance from the others present by at least 1 meter, both laterally and frontally.

    i.      It is mandatory to comply with the instructions of the security personnel with respect to the methods and timing of entry, circulation and exit from the plant and the relevant sector.

    j.      It is mandatory to comply with the hygiene measures and precautions indicated in the signs posted at the entrances and in the internal areas.

    k.     It is forbidden to throw on the ground or abandon masks, gloves, and other medical devices used.

    l.      Any form of gathering is prohibited; in particular, hugs and handshakes are prohibited.

    m.   It is mandatory to disinfect your hands at the entrance, after using the toilets and in any case whenever you have the right to do so by virtue of the presence of disinfectant dispensers.

    n.     The refreshment areas cannot be used; snacks and drinks will be delivered on site.

    o.     In case of ascertained positivity of one of those present, the Organizing Company will be obliged to implement timely traceability of any close contacts. This can also be implemented with the help of electronic systems, digital apps or cameras of the internal surveillance circuit. The interested parties must therefore lend their collaboration to the Organizing Company and the competent ASL to ascertain such close contacts and undergo any fiduciary isolation or health checks aimed at excluding or confirming the positivity to the virus.

    All the aforementioned provisions will be implemented in compliance with privacy protection in accordance with Reg. (EU) 2016/679.